JZ BZ Candy Cap and Hanging Strip

JZ BZ Candy Cap and Hanging Strip have an hourglass shape to hold the candy in place. The candy cap keeps the queen from emerging. Along with the candy cap, you get a hanging strip that will hold your cage in place between frames.



JZ BZ Candy Cap and Hanging Strip


High-quality plastic


Transparent; Red


As the pictures show

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Ango Apiculture

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Details About JZ BZ Candy Cap and Hanging Strip

  • JZ BZ Candy Cap and Hanging Strip fit over the end of the candy tube of the queen cage to keep the queens from emerging from the tube.  The bees outside the cage can’t access the candy with the caps in place.  It is also a good idea to cover the candy when shipping queens with package bees or queens in the battery boxes to keep the queens secure.  Also includes an attached strip for hanging the cages in packages.
  • JZ BZ Candy Cap and Hanging Strip made by mixing thick sugar syrup or corn syrup into powdered sugar to a dough-like consistency.  Although you may mix honey into powdered sugar for your own use, it is illegal to ship queens with honey-made candy.  Use immediately after mixing, as not to harden.
    • Fit on a queen cage.
    • Prevent other bees from releasing the queen early
    • Comes with a thin strip for hanging queen cage in a package of bees
    • The strip can be easily removed
    • Note: These work well with JZ BZ queen cages
  • More detailed info: https://angoapiculture.com/plastic-queen-cages-and-packages/

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