Getting Bees For Your Hive

One of the biggest questions when getting into beekeeping is how do I get bees for my hive? Bees are delicate creatures, yet it is possible to purchase them through the mail. When looking to buy bees to start your hive, it is advisable to find one that is as close

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Plastic Queen Cages and Packages

Hey, we noticed that this year one company has switched to using plastic queen cages inside plastic package boxes for their bee deliveries. A few people were unsure about how to use them, so I figured I would post a few pictures and explanations to avoid any bee genocides. This

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How To Choose Bee Suit?

As with anything in beekeeping, there are several options when it comes to choosing a bee suit. The easiest way of choosing the most suitable bee suit is to try it out in your local beekeeper store. Trying it out enables you to test how comfortable it is and if

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Set Up For Spring

Preparing your hives for the new season After a long, cold winter spent huddled inside, everyone is looking forward to spring – bees included. For your hives, spring is a time of intense activity. Egg-laying, brood-raising, and nectar-gathering all start to ramp up after being almost non-existent in winter. Your

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Bee Pluses And Minuses

We all know that bees live in organized colonies, which have nurses, guards, cleaners, and undertakers – beehives are better staffed than most NHS hospitals. We might not all be aware that they have two stomachs – one is for storing nectar (like a beer belly in the human male,

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When And Why To Use Pollen Patties

Pollen patties usually contain no pollen but are designed to simulate real pollen. They can be purchased ready-to-use, can be made at home from a purchased mix or can be made at home from scratch using a variety of recipes. The thing to understand about pollen or pollen substitute is

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The Best Color To Paint Your Beehive

Honey bees are not picky about the color of their hives. As long as there is no paint on the inside, your bees will be fine. It’s more important to please the beekeeper. Here are some considerations: In the past, most hives were white. White is especially good in the

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How To Find The Queen

Sometimes you need to find your queen, and sometimes you only need to know that she is alive and well. The presence of eggs means she was there sometime during the last three days. The presence of larvae (uncapped brood) means she was there between three and nine days ago,

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Feeding Bee’s During The Winter

To feed or not to feed? That is always a question. Like anything else in beekeeping, there are many valuable thoughts on this. Here’s ours. A mild winter like we’ve had so far actually presents a challenge to the bees. Warmer temperatures mean more activity in the hive, and more

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