Sold in measurement of pounds. Typically 3 pounds of bees is the standard in the industry. Packaged bees should come with 3# of bees, 1 mated queen, & 1 feeding supplement. Its important to remember that packaged bees are very vulnerable and need to be transported and moved to their new home quickly. Packaged bees should stay in a cool well ventilated area until install. We recommend within 24 hours.
Sold in measurement of how many frames are included. Industry standard is 5 frames as seen above. 3 Frames with brood and 2 frames of honey, along with a mated and laying queen. Bees that are in a Nuc are from existing hives that have usually overwintered. Area beekeepers are usually found selling Nucs in your local area. Bees in Nucs can overheat, consider this when transporting. Never transport a Nuc in a closed off container like a plastic container. Keep Nucs out of direct sunlight and monitor the temperature they are in if they are in a closed off Nuc.
Swarms are cluster of bees that have been part of an existing hive. Swarms like the one seen above are usually seen during the Spring time as the hive is building up, and can be found anywhere. These are a great way to get bees because they are free. Check with local governments and pest control agencies to be put on their swarm lists.